Ҷои кор
Эълон барои ишғоли ҷойи кори холӣ
МИЛРИМ дар ҶТ – Лоиҳаи обтаъминкунӣ ва беҳдошт дар деҳот барои ишғоли ҷойи кори холии зерин озмун эълон мекунад:
Мутахассиси калон оид ба дастгирии харид
Мутахассиси калон оид ба дастгирии харид дар ҳамкорӣ бо сармутахассис оид ба харид ба лоиҳа дар банақшагирӣ, амалӣ ва мониторинги хариди молҳо, корҳо, хизматрасониҳои машваратӣ ва ғайримашваратӣ мутобиқи Қоидаҳои хариди Бонки Ҷаҳонӣ кӯмак мерасонад. (июли 2016, бо ислоҳот дар моҳи ноябри соли 2017 ва августи соли 2018).
Уҳдадориҳои вазифавӣ:
- Кӯмак ба сармутахассис оид ба харид дар масъалаҳои марбут ба Раёсати хариди лоиҳа;
- Куммак Ба сармутахассис оид ба харид дар омодасозии ҳуҷҷатҳои зарурии марбут ба омодасозӣ ва татбиқи Лоиҳа дар ҳолати зарурӣ;
- Кӯмак ба Лоиҳа ва Сармутахассис оид ба харид дар таҳияи бастаҳо барои хариди молҳо, корҳо ва хидматҳои ғайримашваратӣ, ки тибқи нақшаи хариди лоиҳа ва Қоидаҳои хариди Бонки Ҷаҳонӣ анҷом дода мешаванд (июли 2016, бо ислоҳот дар моҳи ноябри соли 2017 ва августи соли 2018);
- Куммак ба лоиҳа ва сармутахассис оид ба харид дар таҳияи супоришҳои техникӣ оид ба хариди хизматрасониҳои машваратӣ, ки дар Нақшаҳои татбиқ ва хариди лоиҳаи грантӣ пешбинӣ шудаанд, инчунин дастгирӣ дар хариди хизматрасониҳои машваратӣ бо истифода аз усулҳои харид: (i ) Интихоби сифат ва арзиш; (ii) Интихоб аз рӯи буҷети собит; (iii) Интихоби арзиши камтарин; (iv) Интихоб дар асоси тахассуси мушовир; (v) Шартномаи мустақим; ва (vi) Интихоби мушовирони инфиродӣ;
- Тадқиқоти бозори хизматрасониҳои машваратӣ ва ғайримашваратӣ;
- Мониторинги иҷрои қарордодҳои машваратӣ/ғайримашваратӣ, ки мониторинги марҳилаҳо, ворид намудани тағйироти саривақтӣ, ҳалли баҳсҳо ва ғайраро дар бораи шартномаҳо бо ширкатҳо ва шахсони воқеӣ дар бар мегирад;
- Куммак ба Лоиҳа ва Сармутахассис оид ба харид дар таҳияи мушаххасоти техникӣ ва сметаи хароҷот барои хариди молу корҳое, ки дар нақшаҳои татбиқи лоиҳа ва харид пешбинӣ шудаанд;
- Кӯмак ба лоиҳа ва сармутахассис оид ба харид дар бозсозӣ ва бойгонии ҳуҷҷатҳо;
- Куммак ба лоиҳа ва сармутахассис оид ба харид дар таҳияи ҳисобот оид ба масъалаҳои хариди Лоиҳаи грантӣ барои пешниҳоди минбаъда ба мақомоти дахлдори назоратӣ: Кумитаи давлатии сармоягузорӣ ва идораи амволи давлатии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон ва мақомоти гумрук;
- Бо мутахассисони молиявӣ оид ба масъалаҳои шартнома ҳамкорӣ кардан;
- Ташкил ва навсозии мунтазами махзани маълумот оид ба таъминкунандагон, пудратчиён ва мушовирони эҳтимолӣ;
- Назорати баҳисобгирӣ ва нигоҳдории ҳуҷҷатҳои шӯъба;
- Дигар дастурҳои Директори МИЛРИМ, ки вобаста ба ӯҳдадориҳои вазифавӣ дар доираи Лоиҳаҳои грантии зикршуда ва дигар грантҳои оянда аз ҷониби АБР маблағгузорӣ мешаванд, риоя менамояд.
4. Талаботи тахассусӣ:
- Таҳсилоти олӣ дар соҳаи иқтисод, маъмурият ё ба он баробар;
- Омӯзиш дар соҳаи харид, аз ҷумла расмиёти Бонки Ҷаҳонӣ оид ба хариди молҳо, корҳо ва интихоби машваратчиён;
- Таҷрибаи на камтар аз 3 сол дар соҳаи харид дар лоиҳаҳое, ки аз ҷониби Бонки Ҷаҳонӣ/дигар муассисаҳои молиявии байналмилалӣ маблағгузорӣ мешаванд;
- Малакаҳои хуби компютерии MS Word, MS Excel;
- Дониши хуби забонҳои тоҷикӣ, русӣ ва англисӣ;
- Маҳорати баланди кори даставӣ.
Ба мусоҳиба танҳо номзадҳое даъват карда мешаванд, ки ба рӯйхат гирифта шудаанд.
Шахсони ҳавасманд бояд то соати 17:00, 13 декабри соли 2019 маълумотнома, нусхаи диплом, нусхаи шиноснома ва дигар ҳуҷҷатҳои дахлдорро шахсан ё тавассути почтаи электронӣ пешниҳод намоянд.
ш.Душанбе, к. Н.Қарабоева 56, МИЛРИМ,
Бинои Корхонаи воҳиди давлатии «Хоҷагии манзилию коммуналӣ», ошёнаи 4.
Тел: 233 88 25; 233 13 30
Почтаи электронӣ: rwssp@midp.tj
Ба таваҷҷӯҳи директори МИЛРИМ А. Саидвализода
ЦУПРМИ в РТ – Проект сельского водоснабжения и санитарии объявляет конкурс на замещение следующей вакантной должности: Переводчик.
Квалификационные требования:
• Ученая степень бакалавра/магистра/специалиста в области филологии или в другой смежной области;
• Свободное владение письменным и устным русским, таджикским, и английским языками;
• Минимальный пятилетний (5) летний опыт перевода документов для проектов, финансируемых Всемирным банком (тендерные документы, отчеты об оценке ставок, контракты и т. д.) c английского на русский и наоборот;
• Знание следующей области обучения для специализированной работы по переводу является предпочтительным и преимуществом:
Гражданское строительство
Водоснабжение и санитария;
• Знакомство с MS Office, включая MS Word, MS Excel MS PowerPoint;
• Способность работать под давлением и соблюдать строгие сроки;
• Возможность создания высококачественного контента высокого уровня;
• Демонстрация готовности работать в составе команды в многонациональной среде.
Объём услуг и основные задачи
Переводческие услуги
– Перевод с таджикского/русского на английский – с английского на таджикский/русский различные документы по проекту (контракты, презентации, руководства и т.д.);
– Корректировки/изменения/комментарии к проектным документам, сделанные Всемирным Банком; документы заседаний тендерной комиссии и технической рабочей группы (отчеты по оценке конкурсных предложений и т.д.);
– Произвести 100% правильный перевод английского текста на русский или наоборот;
– Обеспечить проверку качества и корректировку перевода без каких-либо типографических ошибок в окончательном тексте;
– Обеспечить своевременное предоставление переведенных и отредактированных материалов;
– Внести необходимые корректировки или изменения, требуемые клиентом и предоставить исправленный текст в течение согласованных сроков.
– Редактирование, проверка, исправление с английского на русский/с русского на английский при необходимости;
– Обеспечить правильность и согласованность переводов с точки зрения завершенности, использования терминологии, правильное значение и правильное написание н английском и русском языках.
Помощь в переписке
– Перевод проектной документации с английского на русский/с русского на английский;
– Ежедневная помощь ЦУП в написании писем во Всемирный Банк и подрядчикам/консультантам и другим сторонам;
Услуги по устному переводу
– Переводить на встречах с миссией Всемирного Банка, во время полевых посещений и встреч с другими партнерами по запросу ЦУП.
На собеседование будут приглашены только те кандидаты, которые будут включены в короткий список.
Заинтересованные лица должны представить свое резюме, копию диплома, копию паспорта и другие соответствующие документы лично или по электронной почте до 17.00 часов, 02 сентября 2021 г. по адресу:
г. Душанбе, ул. Н. Карабаева 56, ЦУПРМИ,
здание ГУП «Ходжагии манзилию коммунали», 4-й этаж.
C пометкой в письме: Вниманию господина Д. Сатторзода, Директора ЦУПРМИ.
Тел: 233 88 25; 233 13 30
Эл. почта: rwssp@midp.tj Вебсайт: www.obirusto.tj
Проект сельского водоснабжения и санитарии
Техническое задание (ТЗ)
Переводчик (Консультант)
I. Введение
Правительство Республики Таджикистан получило финансирование от Всемирного банка на «Проект сельского водоснабжения и санитарии» (грант № IDA, грант D4310-TJ). Целью Проекта является развитие системы водоснабжения и, по мере возможности, вариантов сбора сточных вод, общей целью которого является удовлетворение основных потребностей в питьевом водоснабжении населения в отдельных районах Хатлонской области и укрепление потенциала учреждений в сфере водоснабжения и секторе сточных вод.
В начале 2018 года организация-исполнитель проекта – Государственное унитарное предприятие «Ходжагии Манзилию Коммунали» (ХМК) получила грантовое финансирование из Трастового Фонда ECAPDEV для укрепления потенциала Организации и оказания помощи в подготовке Проекта Сельского Водоснабжения и Санитарии. Ресурсы ECAPDEV были использованы для финансирования подготовки технико-экономических обоснований, первоначально охватывающих определенные места реализации проекта в пределах Вахшской межрайонной системы водоснабжения и района Восе.
II. Цель
Целью этого задания является обеспечение своевременного и качественного перевода связанных с проектом документов и корреспонденции, а также услуг по устному переводу для ЦУП, при необходимости в рамках проекта ПСВС.
III. Объем услуг и ключевые задачи
(1) Переводческие услуги
– Перевод с таджикского/русского на английский – с английского на таджикский/русский различные документы по проекту (контракты, презентации, руководства и т.д.);
– Корректировки/изменения/комментарии к проектным документам, сделанные Всемирным Банком; документы заседаний тендерной комиссии и технической рабочей группы (отчеты по оценке конкурсных предложений и т.д.);
– Произвести 100% правильный перевод английского текста на русский или наоборот;
– Обеспечить проверку качества и корректировку перевода без каких-либо типографических ошибок в окончательном тексте;
– Обеспечить своевременное предоставление переведенных и отредактированных материалов;
– Внести необходимые корректировки или изменения, требуемые клиентом и предоставить исправленный текст в течение согласованных сроков.
(2) Корректирование
– Редактирование, проверка, исправление с английского на русский/с русского на английский при необходимости;
– Обеспечить правильность и согласованность переводов с точки зрения завершенности, использования терминологии, правильное значение и правильное написание н английском и русском языках.
(3) Помощь в переписке
– Перевод проектной документации с английского на русский/с русского на английский;
– Ежедневная помощь ЦУП в написании писем во Всемирный Банк и подрядчикам/консультантам и другим сторонам;
(4) Услуги по устному переводу
– Переводить на встречах с миссией Всемирного Банка, во время полевых посещений и встреч с другими партнерами по запросу ЦУП.
Квалификация и Опыт
• Ученая степень бакалавра / магистра / специалиста по филологии или в другой смежной области;
• Свободное владение письменным и устным русским, таджикским и английским языками;
• Минимальный пятилетний (5) опыт перевода документов для проектов, финансируемых Всемирным банком (тендерные документы, отчеты об оценке, контракты и т. д.) с английского на русский и наоборот;
• Знание следующих областей обучения для специализированной работы по переводу является предпочтительным и преимуществом:
Водоснабжение и санитария;
• Знание MS Office, включая MS Word, MS Excel MS PowerPoint;
• Способность работать под давлением и соблюдать строгие сроки;
• Способность создания качественного содержания большого объема;
• Демонстрирование готовности работать в многонациональной среде.
IV. Отчетность и продолжительность Контракта
Переводчик непосредственно должен отчитываться Директору Проекта. Продолжительность Контракта 3 месяца с возможным продлением на основе результатов выполнения.
Republic of Tajikistan
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP)
Grant No.: D4310-TJ
Assignment Title: Consulting services for Construction supervision and contract management
Reference No.: RWSSP-CS/010-1
The Republic of Tajikistan received IDA grant No. D431-TJ from the International Development Association for the implementation of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services envisaged under the subject assignment.
The project has been structured along three components. Component 1 will finance water supply and sanitation infrastructure investments in the selected districts. Component 2 will focus on support to the GoT in advancing the water sector reform and investments planning. Component 3 will finance the costs of project management and implementation support.
The project is implemented by the State Unitary Enterprise KMK and the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources (implementing agencies) through the Municipal Infrastructure Development Project Management Unit under the Government of Tajikistan.
The scope of the consultancy services will include support to the Implementing Agencies and the PMU in: (i) review of detailed engineering designs for the areas of 6 districts within the Vakhsh inter-district water supply system, as prepared and made available by the Client; (ii) and with pre-contract services and construction supervision of the main infrastructure sub-projects within the Vakhsh inter-district water supply system prioritized for the ongoing phase of investments.
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment is available at: (will be downloaded to the cloud). The TOR may be further detailed for the RFP stage.
The Municipal Infrastructure Development Project Management Group, acting as the Client for this assignment, on behalf of the Government of Tajikistan, invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing Services. Interested Consultants should provide information confirming that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services in line with the shortlisting criteria below:
The shortlisting criteria are:
- The Consultant should be registered legal entity and should have been in business for the last 5 years in providing Consultancy Services in the field of construction supervision. (The consultant is required to provide the Copy Certificate of Incorporation issued by relevant authority in country of establishment).
- The Consultant shall demonstrate having sound financial standing by submitting audited financial reports or any other credible financial documents for the last three years (2018, 2019 and 2020) where the consultant’s turnover for any of the last three should be not let than USD 1 400 000.
- The consultant shall provide proven experience for similar assignments completed a minimum of one contract with the value of minimum USD 700,000 in the last 5 years. The consultant will be required to indicate all the contracts executed during the last 5 years of similar nature indicating the duration, value and years of performance, which should showcase the expertise/ strength of the consultant for undertaking such assignments.
The Key Experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage.
Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.
Guidance Note for JV and Sub-Consultants:
The requirements for Consultants who intends to associate with other firm(s) in the form of a Joint Venture (JV) or Consortium or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications are indicated as under:
- The lead partner is required to be identified clearly and state the composition and nature of their association (JV/ sub-consultant) in their EOI.
- In case of JV, both the lead and partners shall meet all the requirements indicated above.
- In case if the lead partner intends to associate with other firm(s) in the form of a sub-consultancy, the lead partner should provide details on the nature and level of efforts for each sub-consultants.
Note: The Consultant should explain the exact role played by the Consultant in the assignment if the assignment intends to be carried out in association with other firms as JV.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016, revised in November 2017 and August 2018) – Procurement in Investment Project Financing Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment: a firm that has been engaged by the Borrower to provide Consulting Services for the preparation or implementation of a project (or an affiliate that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with that Consulting firm), shall be disqualified from subsequently providing Goods, Works, or Non-consulting Services resulting from, or directly related to those Consulting Services. This provision does not apply to the various firms (Consultants, contractors, or suppliers), which together are performing the contractor’s obligations under a turnkey or design and build contract.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality Cost-Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Procurement Regulations.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours from 09:00 to 17:00 hours (local time).
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person or by e-mail) by November 17, 2021, 5:00 p.m.
Project Management Unit
Attn: Mr. Jamshed Sattorzoda
Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe,
56 N. Karabaeva street, 4 floor
Tel: (992372) 33 88 25; 33 13 30
E-mail: rwssp@midp.tj
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project
Terms of Reference
Consulting Services (Firm) for Construction Supervision
RWSSP – CS/010/1
The Republic of Tajikistan received IDA grant No. D431-TJ from the International Development Association for the implementation of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project, which will cover water supply systems in Vosse district and the inter-district water supply system of the Vakhsh zone, which includes six districts located in the southern part of Khatlon region. (Vakhsh, Levakand, Kushoniyon, Dusti, Balkhi and Jayhun).
The Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP) is the first large project of the World Bank oriented to improving water supply and sanitation in the Khatlon region, where 2.5 million people live in rural areas. The regions faces significant challenges regarding to а) clear split of functions in water supply sector of rural areas, b) very low index of access to improved water services and с) high level of poverty. Project investments will target rural settlements in seven districts of the Khatlon region: Vakhsh, Kushoniyon (formerly Bokhtar), Balkhi (formerly Rumi), Levakand (formerly Sarband), Dusti (formerly Jilikul), Jaihun (formerly Kumsangir) and Vose. Preparatory feasibility studies were completed for these areas. The assessment was funded by grant funds from the Europe and Central Asia Capacity Development Trust Fund.
The project has been structured along three components. Component 1 will finance water supply and sanitation infrastructure investments in the selected districts. Component 2 will focus on support to the GoT in advancing the water sector reform and investments planning. Component 3 will finance the costs of project management and implementation support.
The project will be implemented by the State Unitary Enterprise KMK and the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources (executive bodies) through the Municipal Infrastructure Development Project Management Unit under the Government of Tajikistan and intends to apply part the proceeds toward the cost of Consultancy Services for Supervision of construction works on the prioritized infrastructure within the Vakhsh inter-district water supply system.
Procurement of the requested Consultancy Services will be governed by the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers (dated July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018) (Procurement Regulations).
The Consultant shall have sufficient international experience and qualified personnel for the construction supervision. Also, the Consultant shall have sufficient experience working with works contracts financed by World Bank.
The Project is expected to be finished in 2024. The Consultant is highly encouraged to optimize his mobilization and support the Client in order to ensure timely completion of the services envisaged.
The scope of the consultancy services will include support to the Client in: (i) review of detailed engineering designs for the areas of 6 districts within the Vakhsh inter-district water supply system, as prepared and made available by the Client; (ii) and with pre-contract services and construction supervision of the main infrastructure sub-projects within the Vakhsh inter-district water supply system prioritized for the ongoing phase of investments. These sub-projects include: rehabilitation of the water intake and sedimentation pond, rehabilitation of the water treatment facility in Kushoniyon district (construction of the filter, rehabilitation of two water tanks, rehabilitation of the pumping station, etc), replacement of the main transmission line, and replacement of the main pipelines and expansion of the distribution network in Bokhtariyon, Sarvati Istiqlol, Zargar and Navbahor jamoats of Kushoniyon district and Levakant district.
- Objective(s) of the Assignment
The objectives of the requested consulting services are to assist the PMU, KMK and the Government of Tajikistan to implement the Project as follows:
- To ensure comprehensive supervision of project implementation activities carried out by the Contractor to ensure complete compliance with the drawings, technical specifications and various stipulations contained in the Contract Documents
- To ensure high standards of quality assurance in the execution of works and completion of works within stipulated time period;
- To enable efficient construction supervision by personnel who are experienced in modern methods of construction supervision and contract management.
- To act independently and on behalf of the PMU, KMK and the Govt. of Tajikistan to review all activities associated with construction to ensure compliance of requirements of Contract Agreement in order to have a sound Project.
- To report to the PMU, on the financial and technical aspects of the contracts.
- To assist the PMU in arriving at an amicable settlement of dispute in case of.
- To assist the PMU for effective project monitoring by providing project management and monitoring support for the areas covered by the Consulting Services.
- To provide support to the Client in review of existing designs and pre-contract services as and if needed.
- Scope of Services, Tasks and Expected Deliverables
3.1 Review of existing designs
The Client will make the detailed engineering designs for the areas within the inter-district Vakhsh Water Supply System, and Client comments/ approvals available to the Consultant. The Consultant’s services include but aren’t limited to:
- Review and validate of design documentation within 14 days following the contract commencement date and return of documentation with resolution “no comment” or “minor comments”, which implies coordination by the Consultant of basic technical solutions developed in the design documentation. If the consultant has “special comments”, submit it to the Client;
- Analyze and make recommendations to the Client in respect of any alternative technical proposals, including detailed description of the differences, benefits of any nature, shortcomings, etc;
- Report to the Client on any non-compliance of the design likely to cause material delay or other adverse consequences;
3.2 Pre-contract services
The construction works will be tendered through an ICB procedure using standard procurement process for works contracts and will be financed from the IDA proceeds under the Component 1. This procurement of the World Bank-financed contract shall be carried out by the Client with support of the Consultant.
In order to achieve the specific objective of this assignment, the Consultant shall extend his support to the Client across the following main areas as and if needed:
- assist in evaluation of the bids, specifically in evaluation of technical proposals for the sub-projects included in the scope of the Consultancy services;
- support the Client during contract negotiations with the successful bidder by developing a negotiation strategy and participate in negotiation sessions, if needed;
- assist the Client in preparation of the final contract and amendments. Where clarifications are required the Consultant shall provide full technical support to the Client.
3.3 Supervision of construction works
The Scope of the Consulting services for supervision includes but is not limited to the following activities:
3.3.1 The Consultant will be responsible for the supervision of all construction works described in the background section. The consultant will ensure that the contractual clauses, with respect to both quality and quantity of work are respected and the works are constructed in accordance with the provisions of the Construction Contracts. The Consultant will be required to nominate a Representative who will be full time Resident Engineer on the Project.
3.3.2 The Consultant will make all necessary measurements and control the quality of works. The Consultant will make all engineering decisions required for the successful and timely implementation of the Construction Contracts in consultation with the PMU/KMK.
3.3.3 The Consultant shall undertake a review of the designs for the full scope of sub-projects included under the Construction Supervision Consultancy, e.g. water intake, water intake, water treatment facility and pumping station in Kushoniyon district, transmission pipeline from the water treatment facility, main pipelines and distribution network in selected jamoats and villages of Kushoniyon and Levakant districts, including those Construction Contracts signed before the commissioning of the Consultancy with the purpose of identifying any omissions or additions, which compromise the completeness or consistency of the design. This review shall be carried out immediately after the services commence and shall be completed within 20 days. On completion of the review, the supervision consultant shall prepare a report on this review which sets out all findings and recommendations for making good any omissions/ additions identified.
Notwithstanding the above, the Consultant shall immediately inform the PMU of any omission/ addition which may have a substantial impact on the Project at the time the omission/addition is uncovered. The Supervision Consultant shall submit two copies of the review report to the PMU/KMK.
3.3.4 In addition to or as an expansion of the activities and responsibilities required of the PMU, as detailed in Construction Contracts, the Consultant will, inter alia, undertake services, which include, but are not limited to the following:
- General
- within 28 days of the commencement of Consultancy services develop a construction supervision manual, discuss and agree on it with the Client and conduct training for the relevant staff of the SUE KMK and PMU;
- supervise and administer the construction contracts, approve materials, issue orders to the Contractors in consultation with the PMU/KMK and ensure that the quality of the works is in accordance with contractual specifications;
- approve/suggest modifications in the Contractor’s work program, material sources, etc;
- monitor progress of the Works, identify causes, or potential causes, of any delay and advise the PMU of suitable corrective actions in a timely manner;
- review and approve Contractor’s proposed personnel for positions nominated in the Contract;
- advice and assist the PMU/KMK in respect of contract implementation claims and other matters;
- advise and assist the PMU/KMK with respect to the dispute, the appeal of dispute or litigation relating to the works, whenever required;
- provide other specialist services relevant to the Project as may be agreed to during negotiations or ordered by the PMU;
- ensure that the construction methods as proposed by the Contractor for carrying out the works are satisfactory, with particular reference to the technical requirements of sound environmental standards, inspection of Contractor’s construction equipment, safety of the works, property, personnel, and general public.
- prepare and issue the required reports ( as per item 3.4), the format and content for each report is to be acceptable to the PMU;
- liaise and coordinate in close coordination with KMK subsidiaries, the PMU with relevant authorities ( village and XX administrations) work plans and schedules prepared by Contractors to remove all obstacles and encumbrances from the project site, including utility relocation and tree cutting, as required Control and monitoring.
- Recording
- ensure the records and diaries required by the Client and national regulations are maintained;
- maintain records of progress of the works and the results of inspections and tests of materials and equipment, and all construction related activities;
- the recording of work site daily events and quantities to pay (subject to geometric and quality tests);
- setting up and maintaining correspondence and document storage and retrieval system to record all relevant communications between the parties to the Project, all measurement and quality control details and variations to the works as they occur;
- maintaining daily diary to an approved standard format. This diary shall at least include data on weather over the working day, hours worked, Contractor’s equipment on site, Contractor’s staff on site, work that day, visitors, problems and other relevant details and circumstances;
- convene and attend monthly management meetings with the Contractor and representatives of the Client to review progress, financial issues, and management issues and prepare minutes of such meetings for general circulation;
- convene and attend weekly site progress meetings with the Contractor’s site representative, representatives of the Client to review progress and day-to-day management of the Contract to prepare minutes of such meetings for general circulation;
- record any change or previously unknown conditions that may require variations (modifications to the design and/or specifications of the works), advise the Client of the change, and recommend taking appropriate action;
- establish content and formats of a system of monthly reports by the Contractor to the Client;
- use the photo or video fixation of hidden works;
- set up an effective management and cost accounting systems using a reliable computer-based method.
- Schedule updating
- review the Contractor’ works programs and, where necessary, request revisions of these to account for the current status of the works;
- compare actual progress with scheduled progress and advise the Client of any development that could delay completion. Recommend any actions necessary by the Client to facilitate timely completion of the construction;
- in case of slippage in the progress of the Works, with reference to the original or updated and approved work program and, if a postponement of the contractual Completion Date is foreseen, ensuring that the Contractor will take the necessary measures to increase the rate of the works and shall advise the Client accordingly;
- in case of postponement of the Completion Date, the determination of the causes and evaluation of the implications for the contract and the Contractor shall report to the Client on the consequences of such postponement;
- advice and assist the Client in negotiations with the Contractor on rates for any unscheduled items of work, which may arise;
- calculate liquidated damages, if necessary.
- Claims and disputes
- in the event of receipt of a notice of claim from the Contractor, immediately thereafter, the Consultant shall notify and provide copy the notice to the Client and assist in resolving any dispute;
- analyze the claim and show to The Client clearly the possible scenarios. The Consultant’s report to the Client shall be presented in a special report addressing specifically the claim submitted;
- promptly after the Consultant’s inspection, the Consultant shall provide the Client with an assessment of the Contractor’s contemporary records, which shall be supported with the Consultant’s preliminary conclusions with regard to the potential outcome of the claim. The Consultant shall also consult with the Client any instruction, which have been (or to be issued) to the Contractor with regard to any further contemporary records;
- prior to certification of any payment to the Contractor in relation to the Contractor’s claim, the Consultant will have consulted with the Client the grounds on which the Consultant intends to certify the payment. The Consultant shall provide the Client with any particulars to enable the Client to establish his position with regard to the Consultant’s certificate;
- recommend to the Client on the Contractor claims for additional payment, extensions of time and other matters, based on the Consultant’s interpretation of the Contract Documents, the relevant site conditions and the Contractor’s detailed submissions;
- provide independent advice to the Client in the resolution of disputes between the Client on one hand and the Contractor on the other.
- Reporting
- provision of reports envisaged in section 3.4.
- Finalization
- supervise final tests of all equipment start-up and commissioning. Inspect and approve all completed works and check Contractor’s completed or as-built schedules of quantity;
- advise to the Client on the issuance of certificate of completion;
- supervise development and implementation of the Contractor’s training program, during construction, startup operations and commissioning. Report on the client’s personnel and operational and technical personnel from the operating units of the owner performance during the implementation of the contracts;
- ensure that on completion of the works, the Contractor provide such records and manufacturer(s)’ manuals specified in the Contract for the operation and maintenance of the works;
- organize provisional and temporary and partial taking-over of works and submit all supervision documents to the Taking-over Committee according to the applicable laws and regulations;
- prepare final reports in a form acceptable to the Client and according to the related Tajikistan legislative regulations; and
- supervise, verify, correct (if necessary) and approve, the Contractor’s “as-built” drawings.
- Check the Contractor’s invoices and certificate of performed works
- check, verify and authorize contractor’s interim payments in accordance with the Contract;
- check the Contractor’ final accounts and certify them for payment by the Client.
3.4. Reports
The Consultant is expected to prepare the following reports through the contract duration as detailed below. The Client shall receive all reports in both electronic and hard copies.
- General reports
The following general reports will cover all assignment activities and shall point to all results achieved by the Consultant:
- Consultant’s Work Program Report. Within 28 days of issuance of the Consultant’s consent to the Contractors Work Program, the Consultant shall submit a report to the Client (Consultant’s Work Program Report), which shall include:
- copy of the Contractor’s detailed cash flow estimate, in monthly periods, of all payments to which the Contractor will be entitled under the Contract;
- copy of the Contractor’s detailed time program showing the order in which the Contractor intends to carry out the Works, including general description of the methods which the Contractor intends to adopt, and of the major stages, in the execution of the Works and other information as may be deemed necessary and appropriate by the Consultant;
- a supporting report which shall include a list of critical path items and the related Contractor’s estimate of delivery periods, accompanied with the Consultant’s estimate of the latest delivery periods for each critical path item to warrant the completion in accordance with the Contract;
- for the manufacture of each main item of Plant and Materials, the name of the manufacturer, manufacture location and the expected dates of:
- commencement of manufacture;
- Contractor’s and/or the Consultant’s inspections and tests; and
- shipment and arrival at the Site;
- the materials and plant selected by the Consultant for inspections and tests including an appropriate specification of the tests to be carried out and the associated arrangements;
- copies of all notices, consents, approvals, certificates or determinations given or issued by the Consultant within the reported period; and
- sample standard formats for the following future reporting:
- Diary;
- Monthly Construction Progress Report;
- Monthly Report;
- Quarterly Construction Progress Report;
- Monthly Site Meeting Minutes and
- Weekly Site Meeting Minutes.
- other information as may be required by the Client.
- Monthly Report — to be submitted within 10 days after the end of a calendar month in the form acceptable to the Client, describing the services rendered during the last calendar month and general progress in execution of services. This report shall be the legal foundation for payments to Consultant by the Client.
- Final Report — at the end of the services, outlining the overall development of the project, the critical problems encountered the achievement of the specific and overall objectives, as well as the recommendations for the future development. A draft final report shall be submitted one month before completion of the Construction Supervision Contract. All comments shall be submitted to the Consultant by the Agreement Completion Date and the Consultant shall submit the final version of the report to Client not later than two weeks after the Agreement Completion Date.
- Construction Supervision Reports
The following reports, prepared only during construction period, shall be prepared by the Consultant:
- Diary — a daily report in a standard format. The report’s content shall describe the work done that day, problems and events as well as detailing the weather, details of construction Contractor’s staff and equipment on site, accidents and other information. The standard format for this report will be agreed with the Client. This report shall be independent of any daily reporting by the Contractor. At the end of the Agreement the Consultant shall submit the originals of the Supervisors daily report spiral bound in hard covers and indexed as part of the Agreement record.
- Monthly Construction Progress Report — to be submitted within 10 days after the end of a calendar month in the form acceptable to the Client, detailing the following:
- brief summary information about any events or circumstances which, in the Consultant’s opinion, may create sufficient grounds for any time and/or cost overrun under the Contract and the Consultant’s recommendation of the measures being (or to be) adopted to overcome such events or circumstances and the contractual basis therefore;
- comparison in the form of a chart showing the Contractor’s original cumulative cash flow estimate, in monthly periods, of all payments to which the Contractor will be entitled under the Contract and the actual payments certified by the Consultant up to the end of the reporting period. In the event of the cumulative amount of the actual monthly payment certificates being lower than the Contractor’s estimate, the Consultant shall accompany the chart with a supporting report and provide:
- details of any events or circumstances that have caused the discrepancy;
- an assessment of the significance of such events or circumstances, including the Consultant’s opinion, on whether these may jeopardize the completion in accordance with the Contract;
- a report on the measures being (or to be) adopted to overcome delays in respect of each event or circumstances and the contractual basis therefore
- comparison of the actual percentage completion of delivery compared with the planned for each critical path item identified in the Consultant’s Work Program Report; where any delivery is behind the program, the Consultant shall give comments on the likely consequences and state the remedial action being (or to be) taken;
- comparison of the actual percentage completion of delivery compared with the planned for each main item of Plant and Materials, if not included in the list of critical path items;
- information about the use of provisional sums and an appropriate justification therefore;
- photographs showing the status of manufacture and of progress on the Site;
- copies of quality assurance documents, test results and certificates of materials;
- safety statistics, including details of any hazardous incidents and activities relating to environmental aspects and public relations;
- copies of all notices, consents, approvals, certificates or determinations given or issued by the Consultant within the reported period; and
- other information, as may be required by the Client.
- Quarterly Construction Progress Report — to be submitted within two weeks after the end of each quarter in the form acceptable to the Client, detailing the following:
- Physical implementation of the Contract during the reporting period to the date of report;
- Actual work schedule achieved and reasons for deviation from the Project Implementation Schedule;
- Expected work schedule for the coming three months;
- Payments to the Contractor and any other payments during quarter;
- Matters that may affect the completion date and the contract costs;
- The way the Client was involved in the supervision activities and the quality/efficiency of its performance.
- Other Deliverables
- Accident reports. A report of the circumstances of any significant accidents occurring on the site shall be forwarded to the Client with all due dispatch
- Claims Reports. A report detailing the Consultant’s assessment of each claim notified by the Contractor shall be prepared and submitted to the Client
- Monthly Site Meeting Minutes. Within five working days after the meeting the Consultant shall issue the meeting minutes to the participants and designated recipients. The standard format for this report will be agreed with the Client.
- Weekly Site Meeting Minutes. Within two working days after the meeting the Consultant shall issue the meeting minutes to the participants and designated recipients. The standard format for this report will be agreed with the Client.
- Environment and Safety Report.
- Evaluation Reports for Selected Contractors.
- Manual on Contract Supervision Procedures.
- Language
The working language shall be the language of the contract (English). All documents shall be provided to the Client in English and Russian in paper and electronic form.
- Consultant’s Personnel
The Consultant shall employ suitably qualified international and local engineers and other professionals who shall be competent to carry out any/or all of the duties in accordance with responsibilities and/or authorities that may be specified in or necessarily implied from the Contract.
The Consultant shall provide support of experienced staff to the Client for evaluation of bids for works contracts.
The Consultant shall consider the prospective peaks of the construction activities and ensure the adequacy of staffing levels during such periods.
The Consultant shall arrange for an appropriate head office back-stopping support for the Consultant’s supervision team.
5.1. Key Experts
Within the Consultant’s team the following Key Experts are envisaged. The detailed Curricula Vitae – of the Key Staff proposed shall be submitted with the Technical Proposal.
5.1.1. Resident Engineer (RE)
Full time during mobilization and construction period and visiting during pre-contract services and defects liability period up to settlement of final account, less periods of leave.
The Consultant shall mobilize an international RE who shall be responsible for the management of the Consultant’s supervision team, the fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities of the team as a whole, the team members and their performance.
The minimum qualification requirements for Resident Engineer:
- university degree in civil engineering or similar;
- specific experience of similar nature and size in 3 similar assignments as RE;
- at least 15 years of relevant experience, with experience in CIS countries being an advantage;
5.1.2. Specifications and Contract Management Specialist
The minimum qualification requirements for Contract Management Specialist are:
- university degree in engineering;
- experience with the FIDIC procedures for works contracts (not less than 3 assignments similar in size and nature contract);
5.1.3. Site Supervision, Water Engineers
The minimum qualification requirements for Site supervision engineer(s):
- university degree in engineering, water supply and wastewater;
- at least 10 years of relevant experience;
- specific experience of similar nature and size in 3 similar assignments as Site supervision engineer;
5.1.4. Civil engineer – Quantity surveyor
The minimum qualification requirements for QS:
- university degree in civil engineering or equivalent;
- at least 10 years of relevant experience;
- specific experience of similar nature and size in 3 similar assignments as QS engineer;
National Experts:
It is expected that the Consultant will employ national engineers such as water engineers, site supervision engineers and inspectors and others with 7 or more years of experience in the related field.
Non – key staff (Team of Consultants)
The Consultant will also be expected to provide local supervision staff:
- Inspectors as needed
- Quantity Surveyors
- Others
The CV’s of non-key experts are not required to be submitted with the Technical Proposal.
In addition to the above key and non-key specialists the Consultant will provide a backstopping pool of expatriate and/or local specialists to cover special needs arising under disciplines needed for assignment including but not limited to geotechnical sciences, civil structures, process engineering, pavements, quantity surveying etc.
The cost of backstopping must be included in the fee of other experts in the financial proposal.
- Duration
The assignment is expected to start in towards the year of 2022. The period shall be 24 months.
Administrative Issues
The Consultant’s Contract will be administered by the Client through the PMU. The Consultant shall report directly to the PMU Director, as the case may be, and closely work with the PMU staff during performance of the Services.
- Client’s Input and Counterpart Personnel
- The Client will provide the Consultant with relevant project documentation and reports.
- Office space. Facilities and property to be made available to the Consultant by the Client. The PMU will provide the Consultant with furnished office space in the form of one office (4- workplaces) in the PMU office located at the SUE KMK premises in Dushanbe. Other field offices, and consultant’s staff transport are the responsibility of the Consultant
- Client shall identify at least 5 field engineers from its staff to liase with the Consultant and be trained on all the aspects of construction supervision and contract management
ЦУПРМИ в РТ – Проект сельского водоснабжения и санитарии объявляет конкурс на замещение следующей вакантной должности: Переводчик.
Квалификационные требования:
• Ученая степень бакалавра/магистра/специалиста в области филологии или в другой смежной области;
• Свободное владение письменным и устным русским, таджикским, и английским языками;
• Минимальный пятилетний (5) летний опыт перевода документов для проектов, финансируемых Всемирным банком (тендерные документы, отчеты об оценке ставок, контракты и т. д.) c английского на русский и наоборот;
• Знание следующей области обучения для специализированной работы по переводу является предпочтительным и преимуществом:
Гражданское строительство
Водоснабжение и санитария;
• Знакомство с MS Office, включая MS Word, MS Excel MS PowerPoint;
• Способность работать под давлением и соблюдать строгие сроки;
• Возможность создания высококачественного контента высокого уровня;
• Демонстрация готовности работать в составе команды в многонациональной среде.
Объём услуг и основные задачи
Переводческие услуги
– Перевод с таджикского/русского на английский – с английского на таджикский/русский различные документы по проекту (контракты, презентации, руководства и т.д.);
– Корректировки/изменения/комментарии к проектным документам, сделанные Всемирным Банком; документы заседаний тендерной комиссии и технической рабочей группы (отчеты по оценке конкурсных предложений и т.д.);
– Произвести 100% правильный перевод английского текста на русский или наоборот;
– Обеспечить проверку качества и корректировку перевода без каких-либо типографических ошибок в окончательном тексте;
– Обеспечить своевременное предоставление переведенных и отредактированных материалов;
– Внести необходимые корректировки или изменения, требуемые клиентом и предоставить исправленный текст в течение согласованных сроков.
– Редактирование, проверка, исправление с английского на русский/с русского на английский при необходимости;
– Обеспечить правильность и согласованность переводов с точки зрения завершенности, использования терминологии, правильное значение и правильное написание н английском и русском языках.
Помощь в переписке
– Перевод проектной документации с английского на русский/с русского на английский;
– Ежедневная помощь ЦУП в написании писем во Всемирный Банк и подрядчикам/консультантам и другим сторонам;
Услуги по устному переводу
– Переводить на встречах с миссией Всемирного Банка, во время полевых посещений и встреч с другими партнерами по запросу ЦУП.
На собеседование будут приглашены только те кандидаты, которые будут включены в короткий список.
Заинтересованные лица должны представить свое резюме, копию диплома, копию паспорта и другие соответствующие документы лично или по электронной почте до 17.00 часов, 02 сентября 2021 г. по адресу:
г. Душанбе, ул. Н. Карабаева 56, ЦУПРМИ,
здание ГУП «Ходжагии манзилию коммунали», 4-й этаж.
C пометкой в письме: Вниманию господина Д. Сатторзода, Директора ЦУПРМИ.
Тел: 233 88 25; 233 13 30
Эл. почта: rwssp@midp.tj Вебсайт: www.obirusto.tj
Проект сельского водоснабжения и санитарии
Техническое задание (ТЗ)
Переводчик (Консультант)
I. Введение
Правительство Республики Таджикистан получило финансирование от Всемирного банка на «Проект сельского водоснабжения и санитарии» (грант № IDA, грант D4310-TJ). Целью Проекта является развитие системы водоснабжения и, по мере возможности, вариантов сбора сточных вод, общей целью которого является удовлетворение основных потребностей в питьевом водоснабжении населения в отдельных районах Хатлонской области и укрепление потенциала учреждений в сфере водоснабжения и секторе сточных вод.
В начале 2018 года организация-исполнитель проекта – Государственное унитарное предприятие «Ходжагии Манзилию Коммунали» (ХМК) получила грантовое финансирование из Трастового Фонда ECAPDEV для укрепления потенциала Организации и оказания помощи в подготовке Проекта Сельского Водоснабжения и Санитарии. Ресурсы ECAPDEV были использованы для финансирования подготовки технико-экономических обоснований, первоначально охватывающих определенные места реализации проекта в пределах Вахшской межрайонной системы водоснабжения и района Восе.
II. Цель
Целью этого задания является обеспечение своевременного и качественного перевода связанных с проектом документов и корреспонденции, а также услуг по устному переводу для ЦУП, при необходимости в рамках проекта ПСВС.
III. Объем услуг и ключевые задачи
(1) Переводческие услуги
– Перевод с таджикского/русского на английский – с английского на таджикский/русский различные документы по проекту (контракты, презентации, руководства и т.д.);
– Корректировки/изменения/комментарии к проектным документам, сделанные Всемирным Банком; документы заседаний тендерной комиссии и технической рабочей группы (отчеты по оценке конкурсных предложений и т.д.);
– Произвести 100% правильный перевод английского текста на русский или наоборот;
– Обеспечить проверку качества и корректировку перевода без каких-либо типографических ошибок в окончательном тексте;
– Обеспечить своевременное предоставление переведенных и отредактированных материалов;
– Внести необходимые корректировки или изменения, требуемые клиентом и предоставить исправленный текст в течение согласованных сроков.
(2) Корректирование
– Редактирование, проверка, исправление с английского на русский/с русского на английский при необходимости;
– Обеспечить правильность и согласованность переводов с точки зрения завершенности, использования терминологии, правильное значение и правильное написание н английском и русском языках.
(3) Помощь в переписке
– Перевод проектной документации с английского на русский/с русского на английский;
– Ежедневная помощь ЦУП в написании писем во Всемирный Банк и подрядчикам/консультантам и другим сторонам;
(4) Услуги по устному переводу
– Переводить на встречах с миссией Всемирного Банка, во время полевых посещений и встреч с другими партнерами по запросу ЦУП.
Квалификация и Опыт
• Ученая степень бакалавра / магистра / специалиста по филологии или в другой смежной области;
• Свободное владение письменным и устным русским, таджикским и английским языками;
• Минимальный пятилетний (5) опыт перевода документов для проектов, финансируемых Всемирным банком (тендерные документы, отчеты об оценке, контракты и т. д.) с английского на русский и наоборот;
• Знание следующих областей обучения для специализированной работы по переводу является предпочтительным и преимуществом:
Водоснабжение и санитария;
• Знание MS Office, включая MS Word, MS Excel MS PowerPoint;
• Способность работать под давлением и соблюдать строгие сроки;
• Способность создания качественного содержания большого объема;
• Демонстрирование готовности работать в многонациональной среде.
IV. Отчетность и продолжительность Контракта
Переводчик непосредственно должен отчитываться Директору Проекта. Продолжительность Контракта 3 месяца с возможным продлением на основе результатов выполнения.