Announcement for а vacant position
Municipal Infrastructure
Development Project Management Unit (MIDPMU) – Rural Water Supply and
Sanitation Project (RWSSP) announces a competition for the following vacant
Senior Procurement Support Specialist
General profile:
The Senior Procurement Support Specialist, in collaboration with the
Chief Procurement Specialist, will assist the Project in planning, implementing
and monitoring the procurement of goods, works, consulting and non-consulting
services in accordance with the World Bank Procurement Rules (July 2016, as
amended in November 2017 and August 2018).
Functional responsibilities:
Assist the Chief procurement specialist in
matters related to the procurement department of the project;
· Assist the Chief
procurement specialist in preparing the necessary documents related to the
preparation and implementation of the Project as required;
· Assist the
Project and the Chief procurement specialist in preparing packages for the
procurement of goods, works and non-consulting services in accordance with the
project’s procurement plan and World Bank Procurement Rules (July 2016, as
amended in November 2017 and August 2018);
· Assist the
Project and the Chief procurement specialist in the preparation of the Terms of
Reference for the procurement of consulting services provided for in the
Implementation and Procurement Plans of the Grant Project, as well as support
in procurement of consulting services using procurement methods: (i)
Consultants Quality and Cost-based Selection (QCBS); (ii) Selection under a
fixed budget (SuFB); (iii) Least–cost-based Selection (LCS); (iv) Consultant’s
qualifications based selection (CQS); (v) Direct Contract (DC); and (vi)
Selection of individual consultants;
Assist the Project and the Chief procurement
specialist in the preparation of technical specifications and cost estimates
for the procurement of goods and works in accordance with the procedures set
forth in the Project Implementation Plans and Procurement;
· Assist the
Project and Chief Procurement Specialist in duplicating and archiving
· Assist the
Project and the Chief Procurement specialist to prepare reports related to
procurement activities of the Grant Project for subsequent submission to the relevant
supervisory authorities:
State Committee for Investments and State Property Management of the
Republic of Tajikistan and customs authorities;
· Collaborate
with finance specialists on contract issues;
· Creation and
regular updating of a database of potential suppliers, contractors and
· Control of
accounting and storage of department documentation;
· Comply with
other instructions of the Director of the MID PMU related to the functional
obligations of the specialist within the framework of the mentioned Grant Projects
and any other future grants funded by IDA.
Qualification requirements:
Higher education in economics,
administration, law, engineering;
Received procurement training
on international procurement procedures. Training onthe World Bank procurement
procedures is an advantage;
At least three (3) years of
work experience in procurement in projects financed by the World Bank / other
international financial institutions;
High computer literacy MS
Word, MS Excel, Internet;
Fluent knowledge of Tajik,
Russian and English languages.
Interested specialists must
submit their CV, copies of their diploma and passport, biography and other
documents no later than January 24,
2023, by 17.00 local time at the address:
Dushanbe, 56, N. Karabaeva
st., MIDPMU, the building of the State Unitary Enterprise “Khojagi
manziliyu communali”, 4th floor.
Tel: 233 88 25, 233 13 30
To the attention of Mr. A.R.
Director of MIDPMU

October 20, 2022
Country: Republic of Tajikistan
Project Name: Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP)
IDA Grant No.: D4310-TJ
Assignment Title: Consulting services to assist the State Unitary Enterprise of Khojagii
Manziliy Kommunali (hereinafter “SUE KMK”) in strengthening the institutional
framework in the field of accounting and financial reporting.
Reference No.: RWSSP – CS /029
1. The
Republic of Tajikistan has received financing from the World Bank toward the
cost of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project, and intends to apply
part of the proceeds for consulting services are requested to provide a Consulting services to support State Unitary
Enterprise KMK in strengthening the institutional framework in the field of
accounting and financial reporting
2. The main purpose of the Consulting
services is to (i) assist SUE KMK’s management in developing and implementing
accounting policies and practices that will strengthen corporate financial
reporting and ensure the effective application of International Financial
Reporting Standards at the group level, and (ii) provide support in the
development (with time and cost) of a financial management improvement plan to
improve accounting and financial reporting in target water utilities of SUE KMK
(included in the priority list).
3. The Municipal
Infrastructure development Project Management Unit (MIDPMU) is currently
inviting qualified consulting firms (“Consultants”) specialized
in advising companies on institutional development, accounting and auditing
services, developing and implementing accounting and financial reporting
policies and strengthening capacity of financial management/accounting, in
order for them to express their interest in providing services.
4. Interested Consultants must provide
information confirming that they have the necessary qualifications and relevant
experience to provide the Services:
1) Proven experience with IFRS reporting and auditing based on ISAs for at least seven
2) Experience in auditing water companies in the CIS countries.
3) Experience in conducting audits of state-owned companies and consulting in the field related
to the assignment.
4) Experience in the reorganization of accounting system processes in large, complex
organizations. The Contractor must have experience of working with at least one
company comparable to SUE KMK or its largest economically significant subsidiary
in terms of size and complexity of assignments; including process redesign
(specify organization, previous experience).
5) Partner/Audit Director (or equivalent) must hold an internationally recognized IFAC (i.e.
ACCA, CPA, ICAEW) member qualification with at least 10 years of practical
experience and be available for this assignment and be located in Dushanbe
during work at the facility for at least 4 weeks during the term of the
contract. Partner/Audit Director should have experience in auditing and
advising companies in the water sector.
6) The Audit Manager (or equivalent) must hold an internationally recognized IFAC (i.e.
ACCA, CPA, ICAEW) member qualification and have at least 7 years of practical
experience for this assignment and be present in Dushanbe to work on site. at
least 10 weeks during the term of the contract.
7) Dedicated staff based in Dushanbe and available for ongoing communication throughout the
duration of this assignment.
8) The working language (written and oral) for all tasks listed in this assignment will be
5. A detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment is attached to this Request for Expression of Interest at the
6. The deadline for completing the tasks
defined by this Terms of Reference is 12 months.
7. The attention of interested Consultants
is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16 and 3.17 of the World Bank’s
Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers (July 2016, revised November 2017,
and August 2018) Procurement in Investment Projects Financing, Goods, Works,
Non-Consulting and Consulting services (“Procurement Regulations”),
which govern the World Bank’s conflict of interest policy.
8. Consultants may associate with other
firms to further their qualifications, but must clearly state whether the
association is a form of Joint Venture and/or Subconsulting Company. In the
case of a Joint Venture, all joint venture partners are jointly and severally
liable for the entire contract, if selected.
9. The Consultant will be selected in
accordance with the Consultant Qualification Selection (CQS) method set out in
the Procurement Regulations.
Further information
can be obtained at the address below during office hours from 09:00 to 16:00 hours (local time).
Municipal Infrastructure
Development Project Management Unit (MIDPMU)
Attn: Mr. Abdusamad
Saidvalizoda, Director of MIDPMU
Republic of Tajikistan,
56, N. Karabaeva Street, 4 floor
Tel: + (992 37)233 88 25; + (992 37) 233 13 30
Expressions of
interest must be delivered in a written form to the address above by November 10,
2022, 17:00 p.m
Contract Award Notice
| GRANT No. | D4310-TJ |
1. | Name of the Project: | Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP) |
2. | Name and address of the Borrower’s Project Implementing Unit: | 56, Karabaev Street, Dushanbe, Tajikistan |
3. | Name and reference number of the contract being awarded | CONTRACT # RWSSP-CS/009 – 01 |
4. | The selection method used | CQS |
5. | Names of all Bidders/Proposers/Consultants that submitted Bids/Proposals, and their Bid/Proposal prices as read out at Bid/Proposal opening, and as evaluated | Not Applicable |
6. | Names of all Bidders/Proposers/Consultants whose Bids/Proposals were rejected either as nonresponsive or as not meeting qualification criteria, or were not evaluated, with the reasons therefor | Not Applicable |
7.a | The name of the Consultant | LLC «Tahlil wa Mashwarat (Zerkalo Analitiks Group)» |
7.b | The final total contract price | USD 148 840, 50 |
7.c | The contract duration | 184 days, over the period of July 24, 2022 and continuing through January 24, 2023 |
7.d | Summary of its scope | Basic survey of WASH conditions in the Vakhsh group of districts: Vakhsh, J. Balkhi, Kushoniyon, Levakant, Dusti end Jayhun |
Country: Republic of Tajikistan
Project Name: Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP)
Grant No.: D4310-TJ
Assignment Title: Quantitative Baseline Survey of WASH Conditions in Project Areas.
Reference No.: RWSSP-CS/009-01
The Republic of Tajikistan has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services are requested to provide a Quantitative Baseline Survey of WASH Conditions in Project Areas.
The purpose of the baseline survey is to obtain reliable baseline data that will be used to determine the current status of the selected indicators, including indicators related to drinking water and sanitation, quality of water supply and sanitation services, hygiene and health, before the start of project activities. The survey data will be used to track the progress of the project in meeting its objectives and to monitor progress, as well as to evaluate the project’s “before and after” activities.
The general responsibilities of a consulting firm include:
- developing sampling frames (sampling framework) for the baseline survey and determination of the sample size for the project area;
- development/adaptation/refinement (as appropriate) of the WASH questionnaire in line with the objectives of the baseline survey;
- planning the logistics of field work;
- conduct a pilot study and refine the questionnaire based on the results of the pilot study;
- preparation of study documentation and questionnaire, such as oversight guidelines for registrars, etc.
- development of the data entry program, control of the project database and organization of data cleansing and entry;
- analysis and reporting of study results, provision of data sets and final documentation.
The detailed terms of reference (TOR) for the assignment are attached to this Request for Expression of Interest to link:
The period of execution of the tasks identified in this Terms of Reference is (12) weeks (3 months).
The Municipal Infrastructure development Project Management Unit (MIDPMU) is currently inviting qualified consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing services. Interested Consultants should provide information confirming that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services:
- Proven work experience and demonstrated experience in sample design, survey methodology, survey implementation, etc. confirmed by at least five research projects carried out in the last 3 years.
- Experience in conducting household surveys and ability to conduct basic surveys as well as data entry and analysis, analysis and preparation of analytical reports;
- The ability to train and mobilize qualified survey staff, data entry staff and analytical staff in accordance with the terms of the contract, and the logistical capability to complete the survey within the time frame established by the study;
- Ability to evaluate the effectiveness of survey instruments and methodology and revise them as necessary to achieve the best results;
- Proven ability to plan, manage and execute complex projects and deliver high quality results;
- Ability to adapt to unforeseen work program needs and changing work requirements;
- Proven ability to perform robust analytical monitoring and evaluation activities.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016, revised in November 2017 and August 2018) – Procurement in Investment Project Financing Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment: a firm that has been engaged by the Borrower to provide Consulting Services for the preparation or implementation of a project (or an affiliate that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with that Consulting firm), shall be disqualified from subsequently providing Goods, Works, or Non-consulting Services resulting from, or directly related to those Consulting Services. This provision does not apply to the various firms (Consultants, contractors, or suppliers), which together are performing the contractor’s obligations under a turnkey or design and build contract.
Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Consultant’s Qualification Selection (CQS) method set out in the Procurement Regulations.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours from 09:00 to 16:00 hours (local time).
Municipal Infrastructure Development Project Management Unit (MIDPMU)
Attn: Mr. Abdusamad Saidvalizoda
Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe,
56 N. Karabaeva street, 4 floor
Tel: (992372) 33 88 25; 33 13 30
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below by May 17, 2022, 17:00 p.m
Address: Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe city, 27 Shotemur Street, first floor, room 10
State Committee on Investments and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Contract Award Notice
GRANT No. | D 4310 – TJ | |
1. | Name of the Project: | Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP) |
2. | Name and address of the Borrower’s Project Implementing Unit: | State Unitary Enterprise “Khojagii Manziliyu Kommunali” Municipal Infrastructure Development Project Management Unit 56 Karabaev Street, Dushanbe, Tajikistan |
3. | Name and reference number of the contract being awarded | CONTRACT # RWSSP – CS / 025 |
4. | The selection method used | CQS |
5. | Names of all Bidders/Proposers/Consultants that submitted Bids/Proposals, and their Bid/Proposal prices as read out at Bid/Proposal opening, and as evaluated | Not Applicable |
6. | Names of all Bidders/Proposers/Consultants whose Bids/Proposals were rejected either as nonresponsive or as not meeting qualification criteria, or were not evaluated, with the reasons therefor | Not Applicable |
7.a | The name of the Consultant | Mr. Muminov R. |
7.b | The final total contract price | USD 3 750,00 |
7.c | The contract duration | 6 months, over the period of March 15, 2021 and continuing through September 14, 2021 |
7.d | Summary of its scope | The purpose of the assignment is to support PMU in carrying out on-site supervision services over construction, installation, start up and commissioning works for water supply systems in for subzones 3.1 Vosse rayon |
Contract Award Notice
GRANT No. | D 4310 – TJ | |
1. | Name of the Project: | Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP) |
2. | Name and address of the Borrower’s Project Implementing Unit: | State Unitary Enterprise “Khojagii Manziliyu Kommunali” Municipal Infrastructure Development Project Management Unit 56 Karabaev Street, Dushanbe, Tajikistan |
3. | Name and reference number of the contract being awarded | CONTRACT # RWSSP – CS / 027 |
4. | The selection method used | CQS |
5. | Names of all Bidders/Proposers/Consultants that submitted Bids/Proposals, and their Bid/Proposal prices as read out at Bid/Proposal opening, and as evaluated | Not Applicable |
6. | Names of all Bidders/Proposers/Consultants whose Bids/Proposals were rejected either as nonresponsive or as not meeting qualification criteria, or were not evaluated, with the reasons therefor | Not Applicable |
7.a | The name of the Consultant | Mr. Khisoriev Azim |
7.b | The final total contract price | USD 6 000,00 |
7.c | The contract duration | 60 days, over the period of April 09, 2021 and continuing through October 08, 2021 |
7.d | Summary of its scope | The purpose of the assignment is to provide technical supervision over all works (design and construction) related to the construction of new wells (individual or group) or reconstruction of existing wells. |
Contract Award Notice
GRANT No. | D4310-TJ | |
1. | Name of the Project: | Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP) |
2. | Name and address of the Borrower’s Project Implementing Unit: | State Unitary Enterprise “Khojagii Manziliyu Kommunali” Municipal Infrastructure Development Project Management Unit 56 Karabaev Street, Dushanbe, Tajikistan |
3. | Name and reference number of the contract being awarded | CONTRACT # RWSSP-CS/021 |
4. | The selection method used | IC |
5. | Names of all Bidders/Proposers/Consultants that submitted Bids/Proposals, and their Bid/Proposal prices as read out at Bid/Proposal opening, and as evaluated | Not Applicable |
6. | Names of all Bidders/Proposers/Consultants whose Bids/Proposals were rejected either as nonresponsive or as not meeting qualification criteria, or were not evaluated, with the reasons therefor | Not Applicable |
7.a | The name of the Consultant | Mr. Iskandarov I. |
7.b | The final total contract price | USD 3 000,00 |
7.c | The contract duration | 6 months, over the period of October 1, 2020 and continuing through Murch 31, 2020 |
7.d | Summary of its scope | The purpose of the assignment is to support PMU in carrying out on-site supervision services over construction, installation, start up and commissioning works for water supply systems in Vosse rayon |
Contract Award Notice
GRANT No. | D4310-TJ | |
1. | Name of the Project: | Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP) |
2. | Name and address of the Borrower’s Project Implementing Unit: | State Unitary Enterprise “Khojagii Manziliyu Kommunali” Municipal Infrastructure Development Project Management Unit 56 Karabaev Street, Dushanbe, Tajikistan |
3. | Name and reference number of the contract being awarded | CONTRACT # RWSSP-CS/024 |
4. | The selection method used | IC |
5. | Names of all Bidders/Proposers/Consultants that submitted Bids/Proposals, and their Bid/Proposal prices as read out at Bid/Proposal opening, and as evaluated | Not Applicable |
6. | Names of all Bidders/Proposers/Consultants whose Bids/Proposals were rejected either as nonresponsive or as not meeting qualification criteria, or were not evaluated, with the reasons therefor | Not Applicable |
7.a | The name of the Consultant | Mr. Iskandar Usmonov |
7.b | The final total contract price | USD 5, 250.00 |
7.c | The contract duration | 6 month, over the period of February 12, 2021 and continuing through August 12, 2021 |
7.d | Summary of its scope | Providing adequate and timely information about the project to the broader project stakeholders, including the media, using modern, inclusive and accessible communications |