Special Notice of Selection Chief procurement specialist.
Organization: State Entity Municipal Infrastructure Development Project Management Unit (MID PMU)
Project: Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project, Republic of Tajikistan (RWSSP) and Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Investment Project (Phase-1)
Position: Chief procurement specialist.
Country: Republic of Tajikistan
Grant No.: D 4310-TJ and № E 0950-Tj
Issued on: November 22, 2024
The existing water supply and sanitation sector in the Republic of Tajikistan is worn out and requires significant expenditures for maintenance and repair. In addition, low organisational capacity leads to reduced financial stability and sustainability of water supply and sanitation services.
The World Bank-financed R162637 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (the Project) aims to improve the current situation in the sector by financing investments in priority districts of Khatlon province to improve service delivery and access to water supply and sanitation services.
The target districts of the Project include 7 districts – Vose, Vakhsh, Levakant, Kushonyon, Dustӣ, Balkhi and Jaihun.
One of the beneficiaries of the institutional strengthening activities is the State Unitary Enterprise ‘Khojagii Manziliyu Kommunali’ (SUE ‘KMK’), which according to the authority received from the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan is the owner of water supply and sanitation systems in most cities and districts. SUE ‘KMK’ includes water supply and wastewater enterprises providing services in the Project areas.
In order to ensure proper quality of services under the Project, a new Subsidiary State Enterprise ‘Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal of Vose District’ SUE ‘KMK’ has been established, and taking into account the recommendations of the Project, the Project plans to hire an individual Consultant to establish sustainability of production activities.
The Project Management Unit (PMU) is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Project implementation. KMK PMU will ensure close coordination of the PMU’s work with its units at the national level.
- Chief procurement specialist will support Executing Agencies in conducting procurement activities in accordance with the World Bank Procurement Regulations (July 2016, revised November 2017, August 2018, November 2020), and advise the relevant staff of the PMU on procurement issues.
- Overall leadership, fiduciary oversight, and capacity development to ensure compliance with WB’s procurement (goods, works, non-consulting services, and consulting services) policies and procedures.
The project closes in June 2025, the specialist will supervise (as Head of Procurement) two projects with a WSIP-1 duration of up to June 2027.
The Chief Procurement Specialist will be based in the PMU office in Dushanbe.
PMU will provide the Chief Procurement Specialist with the necessary documentation for the project and a workplace with access to a computer/laptop, printer, furniture and other office equipment to perform the assignment.
- A University Degree in the field of Engineering, Business Management, Finance, Legal, or Economics or other related courses. A Masters degree will be an added advantage.
- Experience of at least 6 years as a procurement processional in procuring goods, services and works in a public or private sector institution at least 3 years working under the World Bank or Multilateral Development Bank financed projects with a demonstrated strong track record;
- Previous experience in processing high value contracts (subject to international competition under World Bank procedures) in civil works, supply of goods and consultancy services.
- Previous use of the World Bank Bidding documents for civil works with Environmental and social safeguard provisions is an added advantage.
- Knowledge of public procurement procedures of Tajikistan.
- Fluent in Tajik, Russian, and English languages.
- Appropriate computer skills: MS Windows, MS Excel, MS Word.
- Good oral and written communication skills.
- Proven integrity in handling public resources and in executing duties.
A signed and dated application in Russian, English or Tajik addressed to the Project Director, Mr. Saidvalizod A. In the subject line of the application, indicate the position for which the applicant is applying and a brief rationale for his/her qualifications for the position. Signed and dated resume in Russian, English or Tajik. A copy of the diploma, work record and other documents confirming the necessary qualifications. Copy of certificate and references, if any.
Follow the link to find the detailed Terms of Reference (TOR):
Deadline for submitting documents – December 11, 2024
Documents must be submitted in paper form or by email to the following address:
The Republic of Tajikistan
Dushanbe, st. N Karabaeva 56, 4th floors
Email: rwssp@midp.tj
Based on the review of resumes, selected and shortlisted candidates will be informed of the results within 10 working days after the application deadline. Only selected candidates will be invited to an interview and (if an interview is scheduled) assessed.
Additional information can be obtained from the contacts above 09:00 to 16:00 hours.