Special Notice of Selection GIS Specialist
Organization: State Entity Municipal Infrastructure Development Project Management Unit (MID PMU)
Project: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Investment Project (Phase-1)
Position: GIS Specialist
Country: Republic of Tajikistan
Grant No.: E 0950- TJ
Issued on: November 14, 2024
The Water and Sanitation Investment Project was approved by the World Bank Board of Executive Directors on June 23, 2022. The main agencies implementing the project are the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan (MEWR) and the SUE KMK. The financing agreement between the Republic of Tajikistan and the International Development Association and the project agreement between the Project Implementation Agency (PIA), SUE KMK and the International Development Association were signed on October 3, 2022.
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is formulated as follows:
The Water and Sanitation Investment Project (WSIP-1) is the first phase of the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Investment Program, which provides investments in the modernization of existing and construction of new infrastructure with ongoing support for the implementation of ongoing national reforms, including restructuring and strengthening key institutions in the field of planning, regulation and provision of drinking water services. Infrastructure investments will build on and expand the scope of early results from the ongoing World Bank-financed Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project, with the selection of activities guided by technical solutions and assessments developed under the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project. The project sites covered by WSIP-1 under Component 1 are characterized by high rural population density, low coverage of safely managed water services, high dependence on unsafe water sources, relatively high poverty levels and lack of investment from other donors. The project will expand investments in priority water supply infrastructure in J. Balkhi and Dusti districts, which are part of the Vakhsh inter-district water supply system, and will maximize the impact of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project’s investments in the so-called “wholesale” water supply system. Investments in infrastructure will cover suburban and rural settlements and will be aimed at improving the work of the subordinate structures of the SUE KMK and/or their successors in ensuring the sustainability of services provided to the population. These efforts will also be supported under Component 2 and aim to help improve the long-term financial sustainability of the water and sanitation sector and move the sector towards results-based planning and improved quality of services.
The project consists of four components:
Component 1: Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building (ISCB) of water sector
institutions (entities),
Component 2: Investments in water supply and sanitation (WASH),
Component 3: Project implementation support,
Component 4: Emergency response.
The project will be implemented by the SUE KMK and the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources (Implementing agencies) through the existing Project Management Unit for Municipal (communal) Infrastructure Development Projects and WSS Group created for the implementation of the Project under the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources. The implementation of components 2 and 3 (ii) assigned to the SUE KMK will be carried out through the PMU.
The objective of this assignment is to provide services for the implementation of a geographic information system (hereinafter referred to as GIS) to ensure regular monitoring of project performance by (i) developing an integrated geographic information system and monitoring in the project; (ii) tracking progress against key outcome indicators; (iii) developing the necessary tools to assess the overall progress of the project towards the Project Development Objectives.
The Civil Engineer should preferably have experience in implementing a similar project financed by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Islamic Bank, EU, etc. A good understanding of the problems of rural public infrastructure, as well as good knowledge and more than 5 years of practical experience in the following areas: (a) design and construction of water supply systems, sewerage, wastewater treatment, and other infrastructure facilities; (b) management and supervision of construction contracts.
- higher education in economics, construction, social sciences, finance, law or any other related field;
- at least 3 years of experience in GIS in projects funded by international organizations;
- experience in collecting and analyzing various types of data, confirmed by involvement in conducting at least 2 quantitative and qualitative surveys;
- experience with spatial dates and maps is preferred;
- sufficient knowledge of international theory and practice of monitoring and evaluation of projects;
- good knowledge of Tajik and Russian languages, knowledge of English is an advantage;
- computer literacy, knowledge of Word, Excel, GIS “ArcGIS”, as well as other tools based on GIS or similar programs.
A signed and dated application in Russian, English or Tajik addressed to the Project Director, Mr. Saidvalizod A. In the subject line of the application, indicate the position for which the applicant is applying and a brief rationale for his/her qualifications for the position. Signed and dated resume in Russian, English or Tajik. A copy of the diploma, work record and other documents confirming the necessary qualifications. Copy of certificate and references, if any.
Follow the link to find the detailed Terms of Reference (TOR):
Deadline for submitting documents – December 03, 2024
Documents must be submitted in paper form or by email to the following address:
The Republic of Tajikistan
Dushanbe, st. N Karabaeva 56, 4th floors
Email: rwssp@midp.tj
Based on the review of resumes, selected and shortlisted candidates will be informed of the results within 10 working days after the application deadline. Only selected candidates will be invited to an interview and (if an interview is scheduled) assessed.
Additional information can be obtained from the contacts above 09:00 to 16:00 hours.