Word Clean Hands Day

                               Word Clean Hands Day

Every year on October 15, Handwashing Day is celebrated worldwide.

The purpose of this event is to inform schoolchildren of educational institutions and teenagers about the correct methods of hand washing, which is considered a factor in their health, hygiene and well-being, and also helps prevent outbreaks of infectious diseases.

This initiative is part of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project, which is being implemented by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the World Bank. In recent years, educational and cultural events have been held in Vosse district among schoolchildren of educational institutions.

As in previous years, this year on October 15 in the Vosse district, as part of the project “Rural Water Supply and Sanitation”, dedicated to the “Day of Clean Hands”, the company “Academy of Social Development” held an open lesson on the topic “Hand washing – a factor and guarantee of human health” with the participation of leading health specialists, representatives of the district medicine, teachers and schoolchildren, as well as the parent committee of educational institutions. More than 300 people took part in the event.

The meeting took place at Secondary Educational School No. 61 in Vose and consisted of an open theoretical lesson, a quiz and a drawing competition dedicated to “Clean Hands Day”, where schoolchildren had the opportunity not only to get a full understanding of how to properly maintain their health, but also to test their drawing skills.

The quiz and drawing competition were held transparently, and the winners of the competition were awarded prizes.

A similar fruitful event was held in the Secondary Educational School No. 3 of the Mekhnatabad jamoat and Secondary Educational School No. 26 of the Bustonqala jamoat of the Kushoniyon district on the initiative of the Public Consultative Organization “M-Vector”, in which a wide range of schoolchildren and teachers of educational institutions, health workers, and parents of schoolchildren took part. Representatives of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation project also took part in the health event.

During the quiz, schoolchildren of the educational institution presented skits, poems and wise sayings promoting the preservation of health and cleanliness in 3 languages: Tajik, Russian and English.

During the quiz, schoolchildren demonstrated their artistic abilities and presented their drawings.

At the end of the quiz, the participants were awarded memorable gifts.