Announcement for a vacant position
Municipal Infrastructure Development Project Management Unit (MIDPMU) – Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP) announces a competition for the following vacant position:
Individual Consultant – Project Manager
The Republic of Tajikistan secured IDA grant No. D431-TJ from the International Development Association for implementation of the “Rural Water Supply and Sanitation” project. This initiative addresses critical water supply challenges in the Vose district and the inter-district water supply system of the Vakhsh zone, encompassing selected districts situated in the southern part of the Khatlon region.
The Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWSSP) project signifies a landmark venture by the Government of Tajikistan to enhance water supply and sanitation infrastructure in the Khatlon region. This region is home to 2.5 million people largely residing in rural areas, and challenged by a) the need for a clear delineation of responsibilities in rural water supply, b) alarmingly low rates of access to improved water services, and c) elevated levels of poverty. The project’s strategic investments are targeted at rural settlements in Vakhsh, Kushoniyon (formerly Bokhtar), Balkhi (formerly Rumi), Dusti (formerly Jilikul), Jaykhun (formerly Kumsangir), and Vose.
Comprising three integral components, the project is designed to address multifaceted challenges effectively. Component 1 will allocate funds for water supply and sanitation infrastructure investments in specific areas, Component 2 will concentrate on supporting the Government of Tajikistan in fostering water sector reform and facilitating investment planning, while Component 3 will cover project management and implementation support costs.
The State Unitary Enterprise “KMK” is the assigned Implementing Agency for the project on behalf of the Government of Tajikistan and delegated responsibility for the day-to-day project management, including compliance with the policies and requirements for the WB-funded projects to the Project Management Unit for Municipal (communal) Infrastructure Development. The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources (MEWR) is expected to provide an overarching support to the project implementation. The SUE KMK is seeing services of the experienced project manager to provide a necessary link between the SUE KMK and the PMU and to facilitate the effective management of the project.
The overarching objective of this assignment is to assist the SUE KMK in overseeing and facilitate implementation of the “Rural Water Supply and Sanitation” project in Tajikistan. The project manager will play a pivotal role in coordinating and managing all aspects of the project, including water supply and sanitation infrastructure investments, sector reform initiatives, and investment planning support acting as a key interlocutor between the project team, the SUE KMK and other stakeholders. The project manager will be responsible for ensuring effective collaboration with relevant stakeholders, overall project planning, procurement and budget planning, financial oversight, risk management, contract execution, and transparent reporting. This role demands a strategic approach, stakeholder engagement skills, and a commitment to achieving sustainable improvements in water supply and sanitation within the specified geographic areas. Additionally, the project manager will be entrusted with crisis management responsibilities, proactively identifying and addressing unforeseen and emerging challenges to ensure the compliance, continuity and resilience of project activities.
Develop and execute a strategic project management plan aligned with project objectives, ensuring efficient allocation and utilization of resources, realistic and measurable targets, and optimal achievement of the project development objectives.
Review the project team’s responsibilities and allocation of tasks under the project to ensure the most effective, transparent and fair distribution of responsibilities in the PMU, and identify any gaps in staffing or organization/implementation of activities.
Foster effective communication and collaboration with internal stakeholders (State Unitary Enterprise “KMK,” Ministry of Energy and Water Resources) and external stakeholders, including communities, contractors/suppliers/consultants, and government bodies.
Identify potential risks associated with project implementation, develop mitigation strategies, and promptly address unforeseen and emerging challenges to ensure project resilience.
Establish regular communication between the SUE KMK and the PMU to ensure monthly update to the SUE KMK on the project implementation planning and progress as well as emerging challenges and risks.
Review the project documents and conduct regular team meetings to update the project implementation plan with the critical milestones to be monitored.
Review communication and reporting protocols within the PMU and between the PMU and other Government agencies and establish an integrated system for assigning and tracking individual tasks.
participate in the evaluation of candidate’s evaluation committee, ensuring that candidates recommended are qualified for the positions.
Supervise procurement processes, including preparation of tender documents, clarification to bidders during the bid process, bid evaluation, and contract negotiation, contract award and contracting. ensuring transparency and compliance with the national and WB procurement regulations throughout the procuremnet process.
Manage project budgets, ensuring prudent financial practices, monitoring expenditures, and adhering to financial regulations.
Support the SUE KMK and the PMU Director in preparation of the annual project implementation plans along with the procurement and disbursement plans.
Support the SUE KMK and the PMU in establishing contract management teams, contract management plans and provide or arrange for contract management trainings to involved specialists to improve/build skills of the technical teams.
Closely collaborating with the respective PMU Staff, review the quality of bidding documents, evaluation reports, progress reports (construction supervision, E&S, M&E, IFRs).
Providing support to SUE KMK in preparing for the meetings of the Project Steering Committee.
preparation of presentations and project presentations on behalf of the PMU and the project, if necessary, to stakeholders.
Ensure oversight of the communication activities under the project and provide updates through facilitation of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan.
Review internal controls system within the PMU and advise the PMU Director and SUE KMK on appropriate changes and where risks are identified, the proposed risk mitigation measures.
Work closely with World Bank team, adhering to guidelines and ensuring effective communication regarding project status and challenges.
Lead the PMU efforts in systematizing communication with implementation partners on a regular basis say weekly or monthly.
Introduce performance evaluation, appraisal and management system for the PMU staff on a regular basis e.g. semiannually to agree on targets to be met then checking on progress and agreeing on areas of improvement.
Develop a plan for attracting competent highly qualified staff and increasing the potential of PMU specialists, as well as increasing the potential of employees of water sector organizations involved in the project, develop a costed training plan and facilitate its implementation
Jointly with the PMU Director, organizing the work of all involved members of the PMU team, holding work meetings, resolving conflict situations, promptly resolving emerging problems in accordance with the procedures established by the procedures for managing labor relations;
Represent the project in coordination meetings and accordingly make presentations on project progress, achievements, challenges, risks, proposed mitigation measures, etc.
ensure cascading down to PMU staff, contractors, suppliers and consultants, the importance of compliance with local regulations, international standards, and best practices in water supply and sanitation projects, Environmental and Social standards, etc.
The Project Manager will report directly to the General Director of SUE “KMK”.
The duration of the Contract is 18 months with 6 months’ probation period. Performance of the project manager will be assessed by the evaluation team every 6 months throughout the contract term.
The Consultant is expected to work full time and will be paid upon submission of the monthly progress report to the Director of the SUE KMK.
higher education in the field of public administration, business administration, construction management, economics, engineering or any other relevant field;
Experience of over 15 years working in different roles on infrastructure projects with at least 8 years of experience in managing infrastructure projects involving general and contract management of contracts.
at least 5 years of experience in managing investment projects financed by World Bank or other Multilateral development Bank of International financial institution involving high value contracts subject to international competition, Environmental and social standards and multiple stakeholders.
Working knowledge of procurement procedures, financial management, project management of the World Bank and the Republic of Tajikistan or others
fluency in Tajik, English and Russian languages;
good skills in using Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Knowledge of project management and construction management software will be an advantage.
Strong leadership skills
Track record of responsibility, honesty and integrity in handling public resources.