Water should be kept clean

Every year on March 22, the World Water Day is celebrated all over the world. The purpose of this event is to remind every inhabitant of the planet about water resources and its importance for the protection of life and nature on earth. The first World Water Day was discussed at the first UN conference in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. Already in 1993, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted an official decision to mark March 22 as World Water Day. This year, within the framework of the World Water Day, the “Rural Water Supply and Sanitation” Project conducted an informational campaign among experimental secondary schools of Vose district. Also, students of schools near the Yokhsu river took action to clean the banks of the river from garbage. The village people also supported this initiative of the students, and they also followed the cleaning of the beaches. In this campaign, almost 60 girls and boys dressed in special clothes with the slogan “Water is life, we must keep it clean” cleaned the banks of the Yohsu river.