Contract Award Notice
GRANT No. | D4310-TJ | |
1. | Name of the Project: | Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP) |
2. | Name and address of the Borrower’s Project Implementing Unit: | 56, Karabaev Street, Dushanbe, Tajikistan |
3. | Name and reference number of the contract being awarded | CONTRACT # RWSSP-CS/009 – 01 |
4. | The selection method used | CQS |
5. | Names of all Bidders/Proposers/Consultants that submitted Bids/Proposals, and their Bid/Proposal prices as read out at Bid/Proposal opening, and as evaluated | Not Applicable |
6. | Names of all Bidders/Proposers/Consultants whose Bids/Proposals were rejected either as nonresponsive or as not meeting qualification criteria, or were not evaluated, with the reasons therefor | Not Applicable |
7.a | The name of the Consultant | LLC «Tahlil wa Mashwarat (Zerkalo Analitiks Group)» |
7.b | The final total contract price | USD 148 840, 50 |
7.c | The contract duration | 184 days, over the period of July 24, 2022 and continuing through January 24, 2023 |
7.d | Summary of its scope | Basic survey of WASH conditions in the Vakhsh group of districts: Vakhsh, J. Balkhi, Kushoniyon, Levakant, Dusti end Jayhun |