World Water Day 2022: “Leaving no one behind”

Water is the simplest and most familiar substance on the planet for life and use. It is the most important symbols of life. Currently, 70% of our planet is covered with water. At the same time, you can drink only 1% of the reserves of this water. Over the past 50 years, there have been many conflicts around the world related to access to water. The shortage of fresh water is felt – an urgent problem for many regions.

The idea of holding a World Water Day was first voiced at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), which took place in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro.

The United Nations General Assembly, by adopting resolution 47/193 of 22 February 1993, declared 22 March a holiday and established World Water Day. This day was first observed in 1993, in accordance with the recommendations of the UN Conference on Environment and Development. Since 1994, each new water festival has been dedicated to a specific theme.

Countries were called upon to dedicate Water Day to the implementation of UN recommendations and concrete actions at the national level. Reducing the volume of pollution and environmental protection of the natural state of rivers, lakes and other water bodies.

The main objectives of the World Water Day:  to promote the adoption of appropriate measures to solve the problem of supplying the population with drinking water; inform the public about the importance of protecting and conserving fresh water resources and water resources in general; involve governments, international agencies, non-governmental organizations and the private sector in the celebration of World Water Day.

March 22 is a unique opportunity to remind humanity of the extreme importance of water resources for the environment, social development and health. Practical efforts can help deepen public understanding of both the problems and solutions in this area. To achieve positive results, it is necessary to turn words into commitments and actions within a common theme.

As part of the celebration of World Water Day on March 17, 2022, the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project conducted an information campaign among pilot secondary schools in rural areas of the Vose district. Schoolteachers and students, representatives of the district healthy lifestyle center, the Department of Education, representatives of the Project Management Unit and a community mobilization company attended the campaign. The campaign was organized for over 120 people. The purpose of the campaign was to call on schoolchildren and community to prevent pollution of water resources, rational use of water in households and the use of clean water sources, conserve the planet’s resources and ensure the well-being of the population.

The pupils were informed that we must reduce the loss of water because water resources are not limitless. The lack of clean water is a global problem of our time. The health and life of people directly depend on the quantity and quality of drinking water. Representatives of the Project called on the population and students to conserve water not only on this holiday, but also on every day.

As part of the program, various competitions were held, such as: