Request for Bids. Minor work.

Special Procurement Notice

Request for Bids

Minor work

Country:                          Tajikistan

Project name:                Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Contract name:             Construction of main water pipelines and external distribution networks in the villages of Dashti-dili, Bakhoriston, Khojaghalton, Khojaghaltoni bolo, Khojaghaltoni poyon, Hamid Barot, Chorbogh                                             and Zarkoron of Vose district” (Lot-2).

Grant No.:                      D4310-TJ

Link to ITB:                     RWSSP – NCB/W/006 -02

The Project Management Unit for Municipal (communal) Infrastructure Development Projects in Tajikistan, acting on behalf of the SUE “Khojagii Manziliyu Kommunali”, which is the Project Implementing Agency, has received funding from the World Bank towards the cost of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project, Grant D 4310-TJ and intends to apply part of the funds for making payments under the contract for the Construction of main water pipelines and external distribution networks in the villages of Dashti-dili, Bakhoriston, Khojaghalton, Khojaghaltoni Bolo, Khojaghaltoni Poyon, Hamid Barot, Chorbogh and Zarkoron of the Vose district” (Lot-2).

  1. The Project Management Unit for Municipal (communal) Infrastructure Development Projects in Tajikistan hereby invites eligible Bidders to submit sealed Bids for the construction of main water pipelines and external distribution networks in the villages of Dashti-dili, Bakhoriston, Khojaghalton, Khojaghaltoni Bolo, Khojaghaltoni Poyon, Hamid Barot, Chorbogh and Zarkoron of Vose district “(Lot-2).
  2. The implementation of this contract resolves the issue of providing household drinking water supply to eight villages of Dashti-dili, Bakhoriston, Khojaghalton, Khojaghaltoni Bolo, Khojaghaltoni Poyon, Hamid Barot, Chorbogh and Zarkoron of the Vose district. The consumer belongs to category III according to the degree of water availability. In order to rationally use water by consumers and ensure the efficient operation of the water supply system, widespread quality control and measurement of water is provided at the stages of production and distribution. The project adopted and justified technological solutions based on engineering calculations, mechanization and automation of technological processes and production management, technical and economic comparison of options with advanced technical solutions of domestic and foreign practice, used in rural water supply projects.
  3. Bidders wishing to offer discounts for the award of more than one contract may do so provided that these discounts are included in the Bid letter.
  4. Bidding will be conducted under national competitive procurement using an Invitation to Bid (ITB) as specified in the World Bank March 2021 “Procurement Guidelines for IPF Borrowers” ​​(“Procurement Guidelines”) and is open to all Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.
  5. Interested eligible Bidders can get more information from the Director of the Project Management Unit for Municipal (communal) Infrastructure Development Projects in Tajikistan, Saidvalizoda A. via email at and review the tender documentation during office hours from 09:00 to 17:00 at the indicated address below the 4th floor of the administrative building of the SUE “Khojagii Manziliyu Kommunali”, N. Karabaeva Street 56. Tender documentation in Russian can be purchased by interested eligible Bidders after submitting a written application to the address indicated below on a free of charge basis.
  6. Bids must be submitted to the address below, Shotemur Street 27, State Committee on Investment and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan, Procurement Department, Tender Box No. 5, Dushanbe City, Republic of Tajikistan no later than July 05, 2024. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late applications will be rejected. Bids will be opened publicly in the presence of apointed representatives of bidders and all those who wish to attend, at the address below, Shotemur Street 27, State Committee on Investment and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan, Procurement Department, Dushanbe City, Republic of Tajikistan, July 05 April 2024, 15:00 local time.
  7. All Bids must be accompanied by the Bid Security Guarantee RWSSP – W/006 -02 320,000.00 TJS.
  8. “Attention is drawn to the Procurement Regulations requiring the Borrower to disclose information about the beneficial ownership of the winning bidder as part of the Notification of the Award of the contract using the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form included in the tender document.” – not applicable.

Address(es) mentioned above:

Office: The Project Management Unit for Municipal (communal) Infrastructure Development Projects in Tajikistan.
Employee name and position: Saidvalizoda A.R. – Director of the PMU MID in Tajikistan.
Address: 4th floor of the administrative building of the SUE “Khojagii Manziliyu Kommunali”, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan