Announcement for a vacant position Environmental Specialist

Announcement for a vacant position


Municipal Infrastructure Development Project Management Unit (MIDPMU) – Water and Sanitation Investment Project in Tajikistan (WSIP-1) announces a call for applications for the following vacant position:


Environmental Specialist


Water and Sanitation Investment Project in Tajikistan (WSIP-1) was approved by the World Bank Board of Executive Directors on June 23, 2022. The main agencies for the implementation of the project are the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan (MEWR) and State Unitary Enterprise “Khojagii manziliyu kommunali”.

The financing agreement between the Republic of Tajikistan and the International Development Association and the project agreement between the Project Implementation Agency (PIA), SUE “KMK” and the International Development Association were signed on October 3, 2022. The Project Development Goal (PDO) is formulated as follows:

Improving access to safe drinking water services in selected areas and strengthening the capacity of water and sanitation sector institutions to improve and develop the services provided.

Water and Sanitation Investment Project in Tajikistan (WSIP-1) is the first phase of the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Investment Program, which provides investments in the capital repair / modernization of infrastructure with ongoing support for the implementation of ongoing national reforms, including the restructuring and strengthening of key institutions in the field of planning, regulation and provision of services in the water sector of the Khatlon region. Infrastructure investment will build on the early results of the ongoing Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project and expand them, at the same time, the choice of activities will be determined by the technical solutions and assessments developed under the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project The project sites covered by WSIP-1 are characterized by high rural population density, low coverage of safely managed water services, high dependence on unsafe water sources, relatively high levels of poverty, and lack of investment from other donors. The project will expand investment in priority water supply infrastructure in the J. Balkhi and Dusti districts served through the Vakhsh inter-district water supply system and maximize the impact of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project’s investment in the so-called “wholesale” water supply system. Investments in infrastructure will cover suburban and rural settlements and will be aimed at improving the work of subordinate structures of SUE “KMK” and / or their successors in ensuring the sustainability of services provided to the population. These efforts will help improve the long-term financial sustainability of the water supply and sanitation sector and steer the sector towards results-based planning and improved service quality.

The project consists of four components:

Component 1

Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building (ISCB) of Water Sector Institutions (Entities)

Component 2

Investment in Water Supply and Sanitation (WASH)

Component 3

Support in the Project implementation

Component 4

Emergency response to emergencies

The project will be implemented by KMK and the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources (executing agencies) through the existing Project Management Unit for Municipal (communal) Infrastructure Development Projects.

This Terms of Reference describes the responsibilities of the Project Environmental Specialist who will work in the PMU office in Dushanbe with trips to Khatlon region.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide coordination and execution of the tender process with the procurement specialist, project review, implementation supervision and general supervision of construction works under the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project

The Environmental Specialist, together with the Social Safeguards Specialist, will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the ESMF/ESAP (Environmental and Social Management Framework / Environmental and Social Action Plan) and Checklists that will be prepared for the sub-projects. The Environmental Specialist will supervise contractor teams to ensure that construction works and work processes incorporate all environmental obligations set out in the ESMF.


The responsibilities of an environmental specialist will include:

·         Assist and support the PMU Director in meeting environmental obligations as specified in the Project Financing Agreement.

·         Oversee and confirm, implementation of all aspects of the ESMF/ESAP, including environmental screening and completion of checklists for each subproject that will be implemented under the project.

·         Supervise(?) the preparation of ESAPs and checklists for subprojects.

·         Ensure that contractors prepare an environmental and social management plan dependent on local conditions and obtain approval from the ‘Engineer’ / Client before commencing physical work.

·         Supervise, provide control and support to contractors in the performance of their responsibilities as specified in the ESMF and ESAP subprojects and checklists;

·         Conduct frequent field visits and monitoring to implement the ESMF/ESAP;

·         Identifyn training needs and support/supervise/undertake preparation of educational materials on the environment; training calendar and delivery/management of ESMF/ESAP training for PMU/PIU personnel, supervisory consultant and contractor personnel in accordance with the Training Plan given in the ESMF /ESAP;

·         Respond to and document environmental incidents/accidents based on field reports;

·         Provide and assist contractors and supervisory consultant in documenting and maintaining records (written, photographic) for environmental assurance, including industrial and community incidents during project implementation.

·         Prepare quarterly progress reports for submission to the World Bank and other stakeholders as defined in the ESMF/ESAP.

·         Organe public consultations on preliminary designs and, if necessary, soliciting community resources

·         Assist in setting up a public grievance mechanism and maintaining a grievance registry

·         The Environmental Specialist will confirm that the project remains compliant with the following Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) and World Bank guidelines.

ESS 1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts;

ESS 2: Labor and Working Conditions;

ESS 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management;

ESS 4: Community Health and Safety;

ESS 5: Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement;

ESS 6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources;

ESS 8: Cultural Heritage;

ESS 10: Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure.

·         The consultant will also use the World Bank Group’s Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines and confirm their appropriate use in subproject design, construction and reporting, during project implementation


The Environmental Specialist shall report directly to the Project Director. Contract duration is One year (with a probation of 6 months) with possible extension based on performance


·         University degree in environmental science, civil engineering, environmental management or related aspects of water management;

·         Three 3 years of relevant experience;

·         Experience working on projects financed by the World Bank under guarantees is advantageous;

·         Excellent spoken and written Russian, Tajik and English languages;

·         Computer literacy, including word processing and spreadsheet skills.


Salaries are established according to the staffing schedule of the PMU at the State Unitary Enterprise KMK with the established rate in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated November 29, 2022 No. 582.

Interested specialists must submit their resume, copies of diploma and passport, biography and other documents no later than January 31, 2024 before 17.00 local time at the address:

Water and Sanitation Investment Project in Tajikistan (WSIP-1)

Management Unit (MIDPMU)

Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe,

56 N. Karabaeva street, 4 floors

Tel: (992372) 33 88 25; 33 13 30


For the attention of Mr. A.R. Saidvalizoda,

Director of the MIDPMU