Contract Award Notice

Contract Award Notice

  GRANT No. D4310-TJ
1. Name of the Project: Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSSP)
2. Name and address of the Borrower’s Project Implementing Unit: 56, Karabaev Street, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
3. Name and reference number of the contract being awarded CONTRACT # RWSSP-CS/009 – 01
4. The selection method used CQS
5. Names of all Bidders/Proposers/Consultants that submitted Bids/Proposals, and their Bid/Proposal prices as read out at Bid/Proposal opening, and as evaluated Not Applicable
6. Names of all Bidders/Proposers/Consultants whose Bids/Proposals were rejected either as nonresponsive or as not meeting qualification criteria, or were not evaluated, with the reasons therefor Not Applicable
7.a The name of the Consultant LLC «Tahlil wa Mashwarat (Zerkalo Analitiks Group)»
7.b The final total contract price USD 148 840, 50
7.c The contract duration 184 days, over the period of July 24, 2022 and continuing through January 24, 2023
7.d Summary of its scope Basic survey of WASH conditions in the Vakhsh group of districts: Vakhsh, J. Balkhi, Kushoniyon, Levakant, Dusti end Jayhun